The house plans are coming along although planning is really all that we can do since we have to wait patiently until August before our new house will be built. We were very excited to see a "Sold" sign on our lot though...
We went to the model home to 'play house' but I forgot my tape measure to help me figure out what is going to fit where. Where there's a will there's a way...
Mike got fed up with being a human yardstick and wanted to hang out by his model "outdoor kitchen." Well they call it a kitchen but it's really a fancy grill since I don't see a fridge anywhere...just sayin' Mike...
After we had played in the model for a while, we went to find a walking/running/bike trail. Turns out the gorgeous Tibet-Butler Preserve is only about a mile away...
I saw my first American vole...
We're going to love it there - Life is Good!