Sunday, May 17, 2015

Double celebration

This year my 44th birthday actually fell right on Mother's Day! So I started celebrating the weekend beforehand at Universal Studios...

I left my sunglasses on the Harry Potter ride the previous week and was really excited that they had actually been turned in! 

The next day Maddy and I went up to Oakland for a lovely nature walk and did some geocaching for the first time in years - Maddy still has a very beady eye...

I treated myself to a day off work on Thursday with Mike and after a much needed day of relaxation, we went to Maddy's school's Art Show.

It doesn't matter how many works are on display or how many times we've done this - it's always such a thrill to see your child's artwork. We are so proud of our talented daughter :)

Maddy's house blew up in the kiln so she redesigned it to look 'burned out' and called it "The Blitz" - how stinkin' creative! The art teacher said he'd never seen a student do that before :)

On Saturday, Lu and I did the most beautiful run for a Milk Bank in Florida:)...

But my birthday highlight was getting my new camera lens! Now I can take amazing pictures of birds!!! It's super easy to use and I am really thrilled with how well my first set came out :)

Who would have thought at 44 I'd be a twitchin' shutterbuggin' nerd? :)

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