Monday, December 15, 2014

A simple Sunday

It's always a mad rush the few weeks running up to Christmas, but this year we have done better at preparing ahead of time so that we could build in some relxation time too. On Sunday, instead of grand plans we just went with the flow and kept things really simple. Mike fixed the bird feeder so that we could watch it from the bedroom. We were dying to see if we can actually get anything to try it and we were hoping that moving it further from the house would help...

It definitely did the trick! Our first proper guest was a beautiful tufted titmouse!

Then we had a lovely woodpecker visit...

We brushed the dust of the bikes and went out for a couple of hours to explore. It was such a pretty day...

We stopped off a couple of times to walk some trails...

It was an amazing Sunday - romantic, peaceful and a perfect break from the Holiday madness. I love you Mike - thank you:)

Babies, babies, babies!

I am so thrilled to be a GRAND AUNT!!! My beautiful niece, Tracy, delivered a gorgeous baby girl, Skyla, last week:). Mother and baby are doing well and I can't wait to meet my new Grand Niece. Love you both very much (and you too Sean!) - Congratulations!

And the lovely Luciana and PJ are celebrating the arrival of Olivia Rose. She is sooo adorable!

And little Mabel may be the world's most photogenic baby! Well, Milo definitely agrees...

King Gregory!

I didn't get to post these pictures of Gregory in time for Halloween but I couldn't resist a late addition since he looks so stinkin' cute! Watch out ladies...

...his heart is taken!!!

The annual Nichols visit!

I've done a bit of a lousy job staying in touch with my friends in Tampa so I love it when they come to Disney and we can reconnect again. It was particularly fun to see the Nichols this year since they have a new member of the family :)

We had a lovely time at Animal Kingdom and Emily captured this epic poop moment from the American eagle at the Flights of Wonder show. I so need a new camera Santa ;)

The safari was beautiful as ever - I must have done it hundreds of times by now and it never gets old...

I'm determined not to leave it so long next time - I love me some Nichols!!