Sunday, May 01, 2016

Lovely Gailybird...

It feels like forever since I've seen my sister Gail! We started out her visit with a day at Gatorland - she was skeptical at first but I knew she would love it!

The wading birds are able to nest predator-free (due to the number of gators) so there are literally hundreds of nests and babies at this time of year. It's really an incredible experience to see!

This wood stork was so tame...

We even saw a rare black-crowned night heron:)


Maddy bonded with the baby goats. She was the first person that they accepted food from - I wasn't surprised - I swear she can talk to the animals:)

I can take selfies with animals....:)

We had such a healthy week while she was here - 4-5 miles walking every day and we learned how to spiralize! This contraption is just fantastic and I use it all the time now!

Mike, Maddy and I took a couple of days off while she was here to get a mini-vacation at Longboat Key. It was as perfect as ever with breathtaking nightly sunsets...

Endless white sandy beaches and warm water....

And plenty of time just to be...

And to be grateful...

It was fun, simple, peaceful and we all loved it...

Miss you already so much you xxx

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