Sunday, April 01, 2012

Katie, the Robot Baby

A huge part of Maddy's Health class grade for the entire semester depended on the crazy robot baby project! For those of you who are not familiar, school children select an electronic baby and take it home to care for for a weekend. When it cries, they have to figure out what's wrong and either: change the diaper, hold it, feed it, burp it etc. The child has a wrist band with a chip in it that they have to wear so that they can't 'delegate' responsibility to someone else. Like their parents for example :).

Maddy discovered pretty quickly that the baby will register as 'feeding' if you just prop the bottle in it's mouth and go back to sleep...awesome..

Unfortunately, we had the wrong diapers and so the baby cried for ages even when Maddy had changed it correctly.

Quotes from the weekend included:

Mike: "I think it's cute", "I hope it likes Dallas"

Clare: "Just put a pillow over it", "leave it in the car"

Maddy: "I don't even care anymore - I hope it cries", "it's not at all like a real baby - it just cries and you don't know what it wants","this is so stupid - I don't even want a baby - I'm only 12"

Anyway, it was just as unpleasant as intended and we were happy to return baby Katie on Monday morning :)

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